our trusted Business Partners and Customers

About us
Kurdtel Communications, was founded in 2001 through a partnership between the public and private sectors.
Our vision
The leading Telecommunication service provider of fixed communications networks in our region & accelerate building up the Optical network towards developing & transforming our network to the IP based Technologies.
Our Mission
• Provide reliable cost effective services.
• Increasing the area covered by our network and provide the service to the un served Areas.
• build up our fiber optics network to meet the demand of the NGN transformation.
Core business
We are licensed by the KRG-MOTC to provide telecommunication services, with a particular focus on Fixed Networking technologies. We are the only company licensed to provide Narrowband and Broadband services in the city of Sulaimaniyah using both copper and fiber optic cables.
Interconnection services
We hold the exclusive license to provide interconnection services, connecting the sites of other telecommunication operators, government entities, and enterprises through fiber connections.
Kurdtel services will help you succeed
We will raise our work and offer features to all our participants in the large border of our service.
Prepaid lines
Prepaid lines for residential and commercial subscribers.
Post-paid lines
Post-paid subscriptions for Government and enterprises.
Short Code
Assigning abbreviated numbers for commercial use.
Enterprises solutions
E1 connectivity for enterprises PBXs and allocating DID s.
ADSL2+ Service
ADSL2+ connectivity in coordination with ADSL ISP.
FTTH Service
FTTH connectivity in coordination with FTTH provider.
Public phone service
public phone services is provided for those who do not have access to their own phone in special cases.
Expansion plan
providing kurdtel service to the districts around sulimanyah city , Garmyan administration and other districts (coming soon..)

Recharging accounts
Kurdtel customers have the option to recharge their account balances easily and quickly through E-refill and scratch card refill, available at our main shops and points of sale. Customers can utilize both methods to recharge their lines in real-time, simply by dialing the Kurdtel IVR access code (444) and following the audio instructions.

Voucher 5000
e-refill voucher top up 5000 IQD to use for calling Mobile ,national and international destinationsc.

Voucher 10000
e-refill voucher top up 10000 IQD to use for calling Mobile ,national and international destinations.

Voucher 25000
e-refill voucher top up 25000 IQD to use for calling Mobile ,national and international destinations.

Voucher 10000
Refill card top up 10000 IQD to use for calling Mobile ,national and international destinations.

Voucher 20000
Refill card top up 20000 IQD to use for calling Mobile ,national and international destinations.

Voucher 30000
Refill card top up 30000 IQD to use for calling Mobile ,national and international destinations.

Kurdtel Information System
Customers can access kurdtel information system by dialing (118).
and interact efficiently with the a smart IVR system to use these services: -
Faulty lines reporting
Listing faulty telephone numbers which then will be reported to the related maintenance deportment.
Date and time Query
Costumers can query current date and time.
Currencies exchange rates Query
Customers can query multiple currencies exchange rates.
Subscription Validation Query
Customers can query their subscription’s validation date to renew their service accordingly.
Kurdtel’s offers and services
Customers can query the available offers to choose the right offer for their requirement
Reporting faulty internet service
Customers can report their faulty internet connection using their Network registration ID, then this reports are shared with the related ISP.
Want to ask something
from us?
Dial (102) from your landline or mobile to connect to kurdtel call center.
Main emergency service numbers are:
• (100) Joint communication center –JCC
• (104) Police
• (106) Asaiysh
• (115) Fire fighting
• (122) Ambulance
Call charges for calls within kurdtel network are free, Call charges for calls from kurdtel to all mobile and national operators are (50) IQD/Min, for international destination’s rates starts from (60IQD) , to know the rate for a specific international destination contact our customers service center (102).
Kurdtel coverage area includes most of suliamanyha governorate’s districts and residential communities in both forms (Copper and fiber ) extensions .
kurdtel scratch card and refill vouchers are available in any of kurdtel’s Point of Sales and any other market that uses Asiaphone e-shop application.
Residential subscription: fixed fee of 8000 IQD Commercial subscription: fixed fee of 10000 IQD FTTH Subscribers: free of charge included as a package with the internet subscription. All local calls within kurdtel network are free
FTTH Subscribers: free of charge included as a package with the internet subscription. All local calls within kurdtel network are free
You may visit our customer’s relations Dep. And they will assist you.
Yes, you can if the subscription record for your telephone line is still active in the customer’s information Database, then you can subscribe to one of our offers and activate your line again.
Yes, FTTH subscribers can benefit from kurdtel voice services which is offered as part of any FTTH internet packages from the FTTH providers.
Yes, we can assign to you your same telephone number or allocate a new one.
Need Some Help?
whether you're looking for assistant or just want some tips about the services please don't hesitate to contact our on customer services number (102)